How to Do Bitilasana (Cow Pose)
Get your Free Online Yoga Trial Class Bitilasana, or Cow Pose, is a gentle yoga posture that enhances flexibility in the spine and helps release tension in the back and shoulders. Often, practitioners combine this pose with Majaryasana (Cat Pose) to create a dynamic flow that stretches and mobilizes the entire spine. Bitilasana is an accessible pose for practitioners of all levels, making it an excellent warm-up or cool-down pose that promotes relaxation and spinal health. In this guide, we’ll explore the step-by-step process to perform Bitilasana, its benefits, common mistakes to avoid, and considerations for those who should approach this pose with caution. Benefits of Bitilasan Bitilasana provides several physical and mental benefits. Improves Spinal Flexibility: The cow pose's arching motion stretches the entire spine, increasing flexibility and mobility in the vertebrae. Stretches the Chest and Abdomen: This pose opens the chest and stretches the abdominal muscles, promot...